Talk 1
The Gospel of Life is nothing other than the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In light of Divine Revelation we are able to understand something of the remarkable depth of the dignity of the human person. Genesis 1:27 teaches us that we are made in the image and likeness of God. No other creature has been endowed with the same level of dignity as we have. Human beings have the powers of the intellect, memory and will together with the ability to receive and give love even to the point of total self-sacrifice.
The tragedy of the Original Sin of our First Parents Adam and Eve gravely damaged the image of God which we bear. In spite of this, humans retain great human dignity; God maintains us in being; we are still able to love and to be loved and we still have our memory, intellect and will. However, we are in a state of alienation from God which Baptism rectifies. We also suffer a darkening and rebellion in our memory, intellect and will and even our capacity to love can fall into lust and making use of other persons. Nevertheless, our dignity as humans remains.
In the Incarnation, Jesus Christ restores the image of God and even raises and perfects it to a new and higher level than before. This means we are made capable of sharing Heaven with God if we respond to His Grace and love. Indeed, Jesus Christ has identified with each individual person in a unique way, at each stage of their life from conception to natural death, by becoming one of us in all things but sin. In some sense all wombs are sacred. The lowliest task, the worst sorrow, the greatest joy are now made able to be bearers of grace and holiness. Truly great is the dignity of the human person!
Unfortunately, this profound dignity is under serious threat in our time due to a highly organised and efficient Culture of Death which spreads a low understanding of the human person through politics, medicine, education and the media. Abortion and euthanasia are two key and prevalent results of this. At the root of the Culture of Death is none other than Satan. He is the Father of lies and a murderer from the beginning.
An effective tool in the spreading of the Culture of Death has been the use of atheistic sex education which uses a combination of graphically impure content, moral relativism and social engineering to entice young people into an atheistic paradigm. Some of the key architects of sex education used it with an ideological agenda. George Lukacs was the Education Commissar for Hungary during the early days of the Communist regime. He saw sex education as a means to break young people from the traditions of their family, religion and culture. In this way they could be more easily controlled by an atheistic regime. Documentary evidence links Lukacs with the Rockefellers. Other key figures behind the development of atheistic sex education include Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes and Alfred Kinsey. It is interesting to note that each of these three had eugenic beliefs, links to prominent Nazis and were influenced by Occult ideas. Sanger and Kinsey were both funded by the Rockefellers as was the IPPF - International Planned Parenthood Federation.
IPPF has been one of the leading proponents of the Culture of Death at the global level and Fr. Paul Marx made it his life's work to fight it. As such IPPF labelled him as its public enemy number one! IPPF promotes atheistic sex education, contraception, sterilization, abortion and euthanasia throughout the world and assists the Chinese government with its forced one-child-policy. In Great Britain IPPF goes under the auspices of the FPA - Family Planning Association. Together with Brook Advisory, Marie Stopes International and BPAS these organisations spread their ideology through education and influencing government policy.
The result is a veritable death culture with 550 - 600 surgical abortions per day; a massive teen pregnancy problem; a seriously low fertility ratio which threatens to overload the pension/healthcare system due to more older people than young people; the neglect of the elderly and the growing spread of the horrific death due to euthanasia by withdrawal of food and fluids. The number of chemical abortions due to the Depo-Provera implant, the IUD coil, the so-called Morning-After-Pill and the little-known abortifacient component of the regular contraceptive Pill cannot be known exactly - but must be dramatic. Barrier methods of contraception increase the incidence of abortion as even the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute acknowledges.
In spite of all this we must maintain Christian Hope! Pope John Paul II sought to build a new Civilization of Love based on the Gospel of Life. He reminds us that, although the blood of Abel and of all innocents cries out to God for vengeance, the Blood of Christ cries more eloquently and calls for Divine Mercy. This is truly the limit which is placed on evil. We may not be complacent but neither may we despair. As with all things the answer is Jesus Christ.
The late Cardinal Trujillo, former President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, had a bronze statue of David and Goliath opposite his office door to remind him that with God we shall conquer and slay the giant of the Culture of Death.
The first talk concluded with the words of Deuteronomy 30: 15, 19: 'Behold, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil. .. I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; choose life then, that you and your descendants may live.'
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